Advantages & Disadvantages for Using Role Play As a Training Method
Role playing is an active learning technique in which employees act out situations under the guidance of a trainer. In each scenario, employees take on a role and act out the scene as though it were real. For example, two people might simulate a meeting between an employee and an angry customer. The trainer and the other participants can then give feedback to the role players. This training technique can be useful, but it also has some drawbacks.
Role playing is a social activity. Players interact within the scenarios they’re given, which encourages individuals to come together to find solutions and to get to know how their colleagues think. Because role play training sessions have this communal atmosphere, it’s not only the trainer who can give feedback. Employees can study how their colleagues perform and provide tips or take notes.
In some cases, role playing can prepare groups for scenarios that occur in real life. Not only does this exercise offer staff a glimpse of the situations they may encounter, but participants also receive feedback on how they’ve performed. The group can discuss ways to potentially resolve the situation and participants leave with as much information as possible, resulting in more efficient handling of similar real-life scenarios.
When an individual participates in a role-playing scenario, she is demonstrating the way that she would actually handle a similar situation in real life. Role playing allows much of the hypothetical nature of training to be removed, so that the leader of the session can see how staff react and can make notes on each employee’s level of competence. Trainers can work with individuals on their particular weaknesses.
Not everyone is comfortable with role-playing scenarios, and this can affect performance. Some staff will feel intimidated by the idea of what they see as theatrics and may be anxious about the training session if they know it contains a role-play exercise. This can impede an individual’s confidence and contributions to such a session.
While some employees will be comfortable role playing, they’re less adept at getting into the required mood needed to actually replicate a situation. Individuals may find the whole experience funny or else be unable to pretend to be angry for example when speaking to a co-worker they like. For others, the theatrics of role playing become overwhelming, and the chance to learn is forgotten in favor of turning the session into pure entertainment.