How to Determine Whether an Organization Needs to Change
Change is an important part of the growth process, whether it be for children, adults, a government, a business or an organization. It is important for everyone to take inventory and make change where needed. Sometimes it may be difficult to determine whether a business or organization needs to change, particularly for large organizations where changes in process may be difficult to implement. Even if change is difficult, it may be necessary to revitalize an organization and bring about growth and enhanced productivity.
Look at your organization's mission statement and goals. Determine if what you are currently doing matches what you say you exist to do. If not, decide if you will cut the extraneous items or expand your mission. Think about what you do well and what may be distracting you from doing your best in your area of expertise and excellence.
Examine your organization's current policies, procedures, work processes and equipment. Find out how long those particular items have been in place. If they have been used for the longer than approximately five years, then you should consider making changes to reflect current technology, trends and cultural/societal changes.
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Talk with your team members or employees. Ask them for input, ideas and suggestions. Be willing to listen to complaints or problems they are facing in their daily responsibilities. Ask if their workspace and supplies are sufficient for accomplishing the tasks that are expected of them. Make sure they understand how their role fits into the overall goal and mission of the organization.
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Take your findings from Step 1 and Step 2 and discuss them with financial officers and colleagues in management. Ask them to listen with an open mind and give input about how implementing change will affect your organization's financial standing and any other impacts. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before making the decision to change.
Don't feel like you have to change a policy that has been in place for a long time if it is a policy or procedure that works well for your organization. Only change the outdated policies and procedures that are an encumbrance to your employees or customers. When including staff in discussions, listen to their input and give genuine consideration to their ideas, but don't feel like you have to implement everything they suggest.