How to Cite a Code of Conduct
Just as a well-structured classroom has a set of rules, a well-structured business has a code of conduct. The code of conduct outlines specific behavioral and ethical expectations for employees, and if an employee does not abide by the code of conduct, there are repercussions. Sometimes, it is necessary for a manager or employee to cite a code of conduct in a report. In these cases, the code of conduct must be properly documented according to the appropriate format.
Locate the correct format for citing a code of conduct in Modern Language Association (MLA) style. In most MLA stylebooks, this will be under the label, “Report or Pamphlet.” List the company’s name, the title of the publication in italics, the state of publication followed by a colon, the publisher, the year of publication, the medium, and the date the code is being cited.
Locate the correct format for American Psychological Association (APA) style. In most APA stylebooks, this will be under the label, “Government Publication.” List the company’s name, the year of publication in parenthesis, the title of the publication in italics, the state of publication followed by a colon and the publisher.
Locate the correct format for Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). In most CMS books, this will be under the label “Pamphlet, Report, or Brochure.” List the name of the company, the title of the publication in italics, the state of publication followed by a colon, the publisher, and the year of publication.
There are specific punctuation marks and indentation rules within each citation. Refer to the specific publication manual if these details are necessary for the report.
In MLA format, the medium will be Web (if online) or Print (if in a print version).