How to Write a Media Report
Media reports get your ideas and products in front of customers, which increases your brand recognition and drives sales, but they only work if you can catch the reader's interest early. Convincing your reader to keep reading is your primary goal when writing a media report. By applying the proper techniques, you can grab your readers from the headline and retain their interest.
Compose the media report headline. The headline is your "hook" to catch your reader -- use vivid language and verbs. Convey the basic idea of the story in one line; use two lines only if absolutely necessary. You may find writing the headline easier after you have finished your media report.
Lead the first paragraph with answers to the questions who, what, when, where and why. Be brief and give the most relevant details. Numbers should not merely be listed, but woven into the text in a readable manner. Give facts in an accurate but entertaining manner.
Follow the "inverted pyramid" style in the remaining paragraphs of your media report. The inverted pyramid style gives details in descending order of importance. Start with the most important and newest information. Continue with remaining details, ending with the oldest and least important. Include as much information as needed but no more.
Proofread your copy. Follow the style guide used by your media outlet. Check for spelling and grammar errors even if your word processing program has a built in error-checker. One helpful technique in proofreading is reading your media report backwards. This technique makes errors stand out. Verify dates, times, addresses and the spelling of names.
time around the world image by Nicemonkey from
Check with your media outlet about deadline times and meet your deadline. Ensure your report is published or broadcast in a timely manner, so your reader can follow up on details in the story, such as attending an event.
Keep your focus on the main point of your media report as you write. All details should add to or clarify that point. Action words generate excitement -- use them to get and hold your reader's interest. Keep your writing concise. Avoid cliches, slang and jargon. Your goal is to be understood.
As with any form of writing, do not plagiarize another writer's work. Make your media report original to avoid legal problems. Keep in mind the legal implications of your media report. Familiarize yourself with laws on libel.