Most organizations require their employees to know how to write certain types of reports. For example, quality assurance professionals should know how to write quality reports. A quality report helps evaluate the organization's current control systems designed to ensure the quality of products, services and processes. Well-organized quality reports can be used by other professionals to help improve the organization’s products and processes.

Use your notes. While reviewing the quality assurance processes within an organization, you should be taking detailed notes on what the processes are, how they are implemented by employees and how effective they seem to be.

Use simple language in your quality report. Short sentences and simple phrases are the ideal way to get your meaning across and ensure that all professionals can easily understand the content of your report.

Type out the abstract for your quality report. The abstract is a summary of all the sections of your report. Summarize each section in about two to five sentences. The goal is for anyone who reads the abstract to know if reading the entire report would be worth their time.

Add a section for background information. This should include the department or process that was being analyzed, the people who assisted in the analysis and the purpose of the quality report.

Include a section for your findings. When analyzing a department or process, you should pay attention to how the processes are completed, the employees who are involved and how effective the processes seem to be for the organization. All of these details need to be included in this section. Data or calculations can be listed separately and attached to the report.

Conclude your quality report with an inferences section. This section will offer your conclusions and recommendations for improving the processes you observed. Give plenty of detail when offering suggestions. Use visual details where appropriate, such as charts and graphs. The more details and examples you can give in this section, the more useful your quality report.