How to Start a Pest Control Business in Texas
Pests can be a nuisance. They can disrupt your life, food crops, gardens and your domestic pets or livestock, particularly in Texas which has numerous ranches. Starting a pest control business would reduce some the stress people experience as a result of pest infestation. It takes hard work and a thorough knowledge of pests to get rid of pests effectively. Texas has a large number of pest control businesses with most businesses choosing to specialize in specific pests. The most common pests in Texas include cockroaches, termites, ants, fleas, ticks, wasps, bees, mice and rats.
Research and find out the type of business you want to start. You can do this by considering what kind of pests that you want to eliminate, which customers you are targeting and whether you will be providing services for homes or businesses or both. Some of the most common pests found in Texas include roaches, termites, lice, black scorpions and ants, among others. Pick one or two pests that you would like to specialize in, then select a business structure. The three main types of business are commercial, non commercial and non commercial political subdivision. Pick one that is the most appropriate for your business needs.
Pass the Texas Department of Agriculture applicator exam. Before applying for a license, you are required to take the test. The exams are offered in Austin the first Tuesday of the month from 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. The Austin office is in the Stephen F. Austin Building at 17th and Congress. Report to the 11th floor reception area. Tests may be taken other days by making an appointment. Always call (512-463-7622) in advance to confirm date and availability.
Obtain a license. There are several requirements for obtaining a Pest Control License. You can apply for a license online from the Texas Department of Agriculture website. The application fee varies depending on the type of business you have. For a commercial license, the fee is $180; non-commercial is $120; and non-commercial political subdivision license is $12.
List how much the products and services will cost customers. Make sure to have good profit margins. Ask yourself if your pricing is too costly or not, as you need to make fees affordable for your target customers. Also, consider charges for hiring employees. It’s important to know how many people you need to work with you.
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Market your business. Advertise your business in the local newspaper, hand out fliers, print t-shirts or create a website for your business. You can also use social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace to market yourself. This ensures that you constantly have sales, and, should you want to start your own business, you can be assured that people will have heard of you and will be eager to throw business your way. You can offer discounts and promotions to attract people to your business and market yourself.
You can also use various resources such as National Pest Management Association when starting your business.