At first thought, an interview may seem like an inconvenience for both parties involved. The hiring manager must take time out of his busy schedule for yet another intensive meeting and the candidate is sometimes anxious about the idea of sitting through a long session of answering questions. But an interview actually offers a number of benefits for both the hiring manager and the candidate.

About the Job Interview

An interview is an effective evaluation tool that hiring managers use to decide who is best fit to take on an open position. Looking at a resume often is not enough to make an educated decision. The interview is usually performed in person so that the interviewer can get a thorough impression of the candidate. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that preparation, personal appearance and basic rules of proper etiquette, such as being on time and having good mannerisms, is of primary importance. This is not just true for the candidate, but the interviewer as well.


Holding an interview gives both the manager and potential candidate a chance to meet each other in person and see if they can make a connection. Sometimes two people relate better when they talk face to face compared to communicating over email or the phone. Each person has a chance to examine both verbal and physical cues, such as body language. For instance, if the interviewer notices that the individual has a confident posture and looks him directly in the eye, that is an indication that he may be a stronger candidate compared to someone who slumps over or looks disinterested.

Clarifying Confusions

An interview also helps clarify any confusions a hiring manager may have about the prospective hire. For instance, if a candidate's resume shows a large gap in her employment history, she would have an opportunity to explain the issue. It is also an opportunity for both parties to get on the same page as far as work schedule, pay, references and the proposed start date for employment.

Squashing Rumors

In some cases, candidates may hear rumors about the business that might give them doubts about accepting the position. The interview provides the candidate with an opportunity to get firsthand information from an official company representative to clear up those concerns before he becomes associated with the company. For instance, if a recent news story about the company causes the public to question the organization's future or business associations, the interview is a perfect format for the hiring manager to clear up these issues for the potential candidate.