Quality can be assessed and reported using intrinsic and explicit methods. Product quality and customer satisfaction are the most common approaches to determining quality for a product or service. Product quality examines items such as mean time to failure, defect density and customer problems. Customer satisfaction explores the degree to which users feel satisfied with the product, its ability to satisfy their specific needs, the fulfillment of its objective and presentation and packaging appeal. And net satisfaction (NSI), according to the InformIT website, is an index that enables companies to compare this performance across product lines.

Determine the metric and scale type. Begin by isolating the area you wish to evaluate. Determine the components of the service or product and prepare a survey tool for data collection. Develop a rating system that allows customers to respond to their satisfaction with the performance as "very satisfied", "satisfied," "neutral," "dissatisfied" and "very dissatisfied."

Perform data collection. Collect data, and score the feedback received from the survey results. Aggregate and summarize the data into report statistics for each level of rating across each product or product component level.

Calculate the net satisfaction. Derive the net satisfaction by summarizing the collected data up to the top or product level then applying the satisfaction results for each product line. For example, if the survey evaluated several types of products across three different lines, the NSI will report performance at the product level using weighting factors of 0 percent for dissatisfaction, 25 percent for dissatisfied, 50 percent for neutral, 75 percent for satisfied, and 100 percent for completely satisfied.