Examples of an Orientation Program
Welcoming new employees to your company typically involves conducting an orientation class, assigning a mentor and providing resources to facilitate a successful induction into your company’s culture. An orientation program’s length differs depending on the experience level of the participants. These events usually also include a tour of the workplace, introduction to co-workers, a review of the company’s logistics, policies and procedures, and job training.
To welcome interns, volunteers or other unpaid workers, a company typically runs a workshop that includes an overview of the company’s mission, values and goals. The workshop also describes the work the intern or volunteer will be doing over the course of his assignment. The participants learn how to work with the company’s people, processes and technology. In some cases, at the completion of his internship, the company offers the participant a full-time position. Orientation programs often include after-hours events to enable interns and volunteers to get to know each other better. These programs usually last only a day or two.
To help make a smooth transition from campus life to the workforce, HR professionals provide support to university graduates that enables them to navigate successfully into the business world. This includes filling out all the appropriate documents, enrolling in benefits programs and signing up for other company plans. Orientation programs designed to meet the needs of university graduates typically focus on relationship building, practical applications and career development. At the completion of an orientation class, a new employee coming directly from college usually works with a mentor or coach to learn his job function. The orientation period typically spans several months. Managers conduct evaluations at 30, 60 and 90 days to ensure the employee makes progress.
Orientation programs designed for experienced employees focus on introducing the new employee to the company. Presentations focus on the company’s products and services. In some cases, new employees have specialized expertise and credentials in areas such as project management, quality management or process improvement. Company induction activities describe relevant policies and procedures so the new employee can quickly transition to working with new business colleagues and begin achieving the company’s strategic objectives. These programs usually last a few days.
Successful companies recognize that lateral job transfers and promotions provide career development opportunities to employees. This improves employee morale and retention rates. Orientation programs for employees transferring jobs typically focus on the requirements of the position in the new department. Orientation workshops focus typically on working effectively in teams and include topics such as cultural awareness, virtual teams and collaboration. These programs usually include self-paced activities that the department transfer employee completes on a flexible schedule while beginning his new assignment.