Entrepreneurs are self-driven individuals willing to take thoughtful risks. Factors that affect entrepreneurial growth are both internal and external, starting with mindset and personality, and circling outward to social and economic factors that provide a landscape where a small business can thrive. Although many external factors can help lay a strong foundation for entrepreneurial growth, small businesses can thrive even under harsh and limiting conditions if their owners are savvy, tenacious and also somewhat lucky.

Train Yourself in the Field

The more experience you have in your entrepreneurial field, the better you'll set yourself up for success. You should have a strong background in the field or market you've chosen, such as acupuncture or shoe sales, and also quality training in the nuts and bolts of how to run a business. Work in the field you've chosen long enough to feel confident striking out on your own. Seek mentors among other entrepreneurs who excel in your trade. Enlist the support of small business advisers, who often provide free guidance to fledgling entrepreneurs. Learn all you can and also develop a clear sense of what you don't know, so you can continue building on your knowledge and expertise as your business grows.

Access to Capital

Unless you're running your business from home with a laptop you already own, you'll probably need to invest some money in infrastructure and inventory. You may have sufficient savings to get your endeavor off the ground, but it's more likely you'll seek some kind of capital. Entrepreneurial financing options range from borrowing from frniends and family to taking out secured loans using personal assets such as real estate as collateral. During economic downturns, banks tend to be cautious about lending money and during times of economic expansion, banks are more willing to lend. Most lenders consider startup businesses as particularly high risk, so having tangible and intangible assets that increase confidence, such as collateral and experience, make it easier for an aspiring entrepreneur to borrow.n

Importance of Personal Qualities

Individual qualities are perhaps the most important factors affecting entrepreneurship development, allowing you to transcend and circumvent obstacles in your external environment. If you're frugal and resourceful, you'll position yourself well to get your business off the ground even if it's difficult to find financing. If you're willing to start small and learn from your mistakes, you may be able to succeed despite a lack of hands-on experience. If you're inclined to persevere rather than growing discouraged, you'll be well set to weather the challenges that inevitably come with an entrepreneurial undertaking.

To succeed in a new entrepreneurial venture, you should possess several personal characteristics. You must be self-driven, willing to take risks and open to learning from your mistakes. Having experience in your chosen field is helpful, but if you don't have the background, finding a mentor and putting together a group of advisers is essential. Above all, you must have the perseverance to overcome the inevitable obstacles and have the confidence that you will succeed.