Getting every possible advantage over the fierce competition that you will face at your next job interview is vital to being successful. Interactive job interview games help you hone your interview skills by going through a series of potential questions that your interviewer will likely ask. You can also educate yourself with supportive tips that can help you improve your interview experience.

My Interview Simulator

The Interview Simulator device offered by the website of the same name runs through hundreds of potential interview questions with you. It sorts questions as "basic," "behavioral interview questions" and "simulations." Build your way up to the simulations to get the most authentic experience from a mock interview.

Nail the Interview

Selecting the right resume begins The Washington Post's online interview tool. You answer several multiple-choice questions during a basic phone interview. If all goes well, you are asked to attend a virtual interview with a panel of executives. Before heading off to this virtual meeting, you are given several selections regarding your interview attire. A vice president conducts the final virtual interview. This process also includes a salary negotiation in which you can request a higher salary or make a counteroffer to your potential employer.

Get That Job

Get that Job is a BBC Northern Ireland tool. After selecting your character and interview outfit, several questions are posed to you with multiple answers that you can give. You receive immediate feedback about your response, including points that you can improve upon or expand upon. You receive a final score at the end to show how you performed.

Be My Interviewer

Another British site, Be My Interviewer, lets you choose from a variety of human resources directors to flog you with questions. Select one question at a time from categories such as "Money," "Experience and Ambition" or "Killer Questions." Play the question, and then answer on your own. Check your answer with the explanation before moving on to the next question.

Interactive eLearning Tool

Available from the North Carolina Community Colleges Bio Network division, this tool features more than the standard interview questions. This tool takes you from the cover letter to the thank you letter. It includes an interactive process for you to prepare for the interview, get proper dress information and learn about proper etiquette. After completing the preliminary steps, you are asked a series of interview questions and receive immediate feedback on your responses, including ways to improve future answers.