Measurement of Performance Indicators in Case Management
Case management is a broad term encompassing information from a variety of fields, including social services, engineering and production. Measuring performance indicators is a vital component in all of these fields as such measures indicate if a project or employee is meeting the requirements of the job.
Some types of case management require the use of raw numbers to determine the effectiveness of a service. Telephone hotlines are a perfect example of this type of case management performance measure. More calls to a hotline means that word is getting out about the hotline, which is a way to measure case management services. Other raw numbers may include the number of clients seen or number of cases handled.
Other case management problems require an analysis of raw data to turn it into usable information. Some measurements are best expressed as a satisfaction or completion percentage, such as with the number of calls successfully processed or number of debts collected. This type of performance indicator focuses on both quality and speed.
In a cost analysis, a company’s accounting department will determine the cost for each completed case or client handled. Then, the team can determine how much each case cost the business or organization. Using this number, supervisors can know which employees are more productive and which ones need to work on streamlining their methods.