Zoning Tips When Obtaining an Auto Dealer License
Obtaining an auto dealer license varies from city to city as all cities have different requirements; however, no matter where the dealership will be located it must abide by the zoning rules for that jurisdiction. While zoning requirements will vary, certain tips can ensure the dealership meets the requirements for a swift license application response.
Contact the zoning and permits department in the city where you wish to establish an automobile dealership. This department is normally located in the city council, and typically provides a list of all current zoning and permit requirements. Zoning requirements can change annually, thus never rely on an outdated zoning manual. When contacting the zoning and permits department, ask for specific information regarding automobile dealerships.
The zoning application will require photographs of the property prior to an automobile dealership license being approved. The requirements for these photographs may vary according to your jurisdiction; however, photographs commonly consist of the office building, outside signage, office interior, business telephone lines, computers as well as photographs of current business licenses. A dealership may also be required to take landscape photographs of the actual property. When photographing the property, use a high-quality camera and take photographs at different angles so the zoning department has all the information needed.
Prior to purchasing a plot of land or location for the automobile dealership, ensure the location has been approved for your business use, specifically, auto dealership business use. Not every retail location n a city is zoned to be used as an automobile dealership. Never purchase property without first confirming the location has been zoned for retail/dealership use. This information can be obtained by contacting the zoning department for the city where the property is located.