Numerous small businesses in the health-care industry, such as private health clinics and elder-care facilities, provide case management services for their clients. Nurses, doctors and other health-care professionals use case management service plans when developing a care routine for their patients; it presents the goals and objectives the patient wants to reach during treatment. These plans allow both the patient and professional to measure how the case is progressing and determine whether problems have arisen during the patient's treatment.


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have established a template for case management plans for patients with HIV-related diseases. The case management plan includes an assessment of the patient's physical condition, a routine of pharmaceutical treatment to manage the disease and a schedule with the patient's various providers to meet the patient's needs. The plan can address the mental health issues that go with the diagnosis through either individual or group psychotherapy appointments.

An Elder-care Plan

A case management plan for the care of an elder patient should include the physical and mental health needs of the patient. It can address dietary issues by assigning a nutritionist to help the patient maintain a healthy weight. The plan can also include benchmarks for the patient to reach specific target weights and blood tests for cholesterol or blood sugar. Specific exercises that increase the patient's mobility and stamina without overtaxing a weak heart or arthritic joints can be part of the plan.

A Substance Abuse Plan

A case management plan for a patient with addictions is one of the first steps on her road to a normal life. An addiction case management plan often includes a pretreatment phase, which assesses the patient's physical and mental condition; the treatment phase, which instructs the patient on how to cope with the addiction; and the after-care phase, which helps the patient learn how to function in society without returning to the addictive behavior.

A Physical Therapy Plan

Patients who require extensive physical therapy from an injury, either due to accident or disease, require case management plans to help them regain the strength and mobility they had before the damage. The plan can include identifying the cause of the injury, the extent of the damage and the limitations on the patient's mobility. A schedule of physical therapy routines and prescriptions for pain management can be part of the plan, which should establish measurable goals to assess the patient's recovery from injury during treatment.