When you plan and establish the objective of your project, you must ensure the project denotes the objectives. A project, or a deliverable, must meet certain specifications of the design to be considered complete before being delivered to the client. Deliverables are quantifiable goods or services that must be completed and delivered under a contract's terms.

Design Specifications

Project deliverables could be tangible, or intangible and verifiable. To measure whether completion is successful, a project or product must meet predetermined standards. A checklist helps staffers find out if each step was followed in the creation or maintenance of a project. Precisely, a checklist ensures a project meets design specifications by the time it is completed. If you are making a car, for instance, you follow the checklist to ensure each part has been delivered and fitted in accordance with the sketch.

Project Phases

A project's goals and objectives must be defined and a clear plan for the project should be put in place. This must include cost, risk and management resources. Establish a date when the project must be completed. If you are erecting a building, for example, with a time frame within which it must be completed, phases must be established leading up to the deadline. To beat the deadline, each phase must be done on time.


To ensure success, the project management team has to identify stakeholders and understand their expectations. A product is created for a customer. You must understand exactly what the customer wants, or wind up creating a product that could be shunned. Team members who are dependent on the deliverable to do their work are also stakeholders in the project.


Other stakeholders include the staff responsible for the project. The manager has to define business needs and objectives of the project, in addition to policies and procedures governing the project. The project manager has the ultimate responsibility to ensure that a project succeeds with input from business development staff, subject matter experts and company decision makers. Management must also ensure sufficient resources are available to conduct a project.


Stakeholders must agree on the grade and quality to complete a deliverable that meets its objectives. The required grade might be a luxury product, for instance, as opposed to something economical. Has the product met the envisaged grade of a luxury car that customers anticipate? Such is an issue that a product deliverable checklist must address.