Relational analysis is a technique used that explores the relationships of identified concepts in a text. Qualitative research is a technique used that involves non-statistical methods of analyzing information. By combining these two techniques, a relational analysis qualitative research is conducted and written. This type of research takes non-statistical methods to explore the relationships of concepts found in groups of text.

Identify the question. This type of research is done when text is analyzed. The text may come from a speech, survey, email, transcript or any other source where words are written. In the text provided, what is the question that is being analyzed and researched? If the text is from a speech, the question may be what the speaker’s main theme of the speech was. Qualitative research focuses on the “why” of the text. Relational analysis looks for correlations within the text.

Determine the information to use in the research. If there are several speeches to analyze, the writer of this paper must weed out the parts that are not applicable. Qualitative research focuses on little information; while quantitative research uses a large amount of information.

Determine the type of analysis. There are several forms of analysis used in relational analysis. The qualitative approach focuses on the behavior, attitude and motivation of the person’s text that is being analyzed.

Look for the patterns within the words. Qualitative research takes few words and looks directly at behavioral and social connections. Each word analyzed under this type of research is vital.

Determine any relationships between concepts found in the words. Relational analysis focuses on looking at strengths, signs and directions found in the words. Any words that have a common relationship are analyzed. For words without a relationship with any other words, those words are not investigated.

Perform in depth analyses. With all the relationships within the context identified, all pieces of text are analyzed. Relational analysis looks for meaning in these relationships; while qualitative research focuses on why these words were said and what the meanings of these words are.