Examples of Employee Conflict
Employee conflict can create problems for a company. If your employees are not getting along it can affect customer service, productivity and company morale. Discovering what type of employee conflict you are dealing with can help you determine how to address it.
When one employee feels another is not carrying her weight at the company, a conflict can occur. The employee who feels slighted and overworked will begin comparing the other person's productivity to her own. She may also begin talking with other workers about the offender's perceived lapses, which can create further tension.
A personality conflict occurs when workers do not get along. The more employees you have, the greater the chance a personality conflict will arise. A personality conflict between employees does not have to be addressed as a long as the parties involved continue to perform their job duties. If you find that the conflict is affecting productivity or company morale, schedule a meeting with the individuals to confront and resolve the issue. If that does not work, you may have to let them go.
Conflict can arise when one employee actively seeks to discredit a superior or another employee for the purpose of getting that person fired and obtaining his job. In this case, the employee may try to sabotage the supervisor's position by slowing down production, purposely making mistakes and claiming the supervisor instructed her to do so or other such actions.
Conflicts also are likely when employees don't agree on how a job should be done. Managers can address this issue with staff meetings and clear-cut job duty descriptions.