Unlike child care centers, adult day cares in Michigan do not require state licensing. If you plan to open an adult day care in Michigan, however, there are a number of considerations you need to make. Understanding Michigan operating standards, building a competent and well-trained staff and networking with other adult day care professionals are keys to running a successful adult day care. Michigan recognizes two types of adult day services—adult day cares and dementia adult day cares. Choose the right adult day care program, and consider the needs of your Michigan community when selecting a day care type.

Study the Operating Standards for Service Programs established by the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging. Although Michigan adult day cares do not need a license, they must follow these standards, which dictate what services the day care must provide and what adults can attend the day care. For example, adults signed up for a Michigan day care must have difficulty performing activities of daily living.

Build a staff that meets the state of Michigan’s requirements for adult day cares. Michigan adult day cares must have a program director who holds at least a bachelor’s degree in a health or human service field as well as a registered nurse to provide health services. Hire these key staff members, and find a support staff that can attend to the needs of your adult day care clients.

Conduct proper training for the staff in accordance with Michigan’s guidelines. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, new staff members at a Michigan adult day care must participate in training that introduces them to the program, teaches them how to maintain client files and covers “the aging process, ethics and emergency procedures.” Set up this training session with your staff before the adult day care opens its doors.

Join statewide organizations like the Michigan Adult Day Services Association. As a member of this organization, you can participate in ongoing professional development, improving your understanding of the needs of Michigan adult day care clients. Conferences like the Professional Caregiver Conference can help you network with other Michigan adult day care providers and learn more about your industry.