How to Write AGM Minutes
The annual general meeting (AGM) is a meeting with board members, shareholders, investors and senior management to review fiscal information and cover key decisions and changes made over the course of the previous year. AGM minutes are compiled as a record of the meeting, and contain specific details about any major decisions made at the meeting and notes about elected officers. The minutes are typically attached to an appendix of reports discussed or presented during the meeting.
Type the name of your organization, followed by "Annual General Meeting Minutes." Then type the full date and time the meeting started, and the location of the meeting. The location will need to include the name of the conference room and the venue where the meeting is being held.
Write the Preamble. Use the Roman numeral "I" followed by the term PREAMBLE to introduce attendees. List all members attending the meeting, starting with the president. Then list the vice president, treasurer, secretary and executive members present. Either full names or first initial and last names can be used for this section.
List observers and apologies. If there are meeting attendees present that are not officers or committee members, they may be listed as an observer or an apology. If nobody falls in either category, indicate "Nil" for each.
Introduce the minutes of the previous meeting. Use the Roman numeral "II" followed by MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING for this section. Indicate any motions that were moved, seconded and carried forward to the present meeting.
Introduce the reports of the meeting. Begin this section using the Roman numeral "III" followed by REPORTS. List the reports individually as appendix items.
Record the elections process. Use the Roman numeral "IV" to indicate elections for returning officers, the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and any other elected officials. For each candidate, you will need to include: the person nominated; who they were nominated by; who seconded the nomination; and whether the nominee declined or accepted the nomination. The elected officer will then be indicated as such within the minutes.
Record the public officer elections. If you are electing public pfficers, you will need to list the name of the nominee, and the individuals who nominated and seconded the officer.
List any motions passed or presented at the meeting. A motion is a vote for or against a certain policy or decision, and may be presented during the course of the meeting. List any of these discussions in the minutes, and indicate if the motion was passed or dismissed.
Record "Other Business" items. Under Roman numeral "V," list and summarize any discussions or events that took place in the meeting outside of the elections and introductions. A bulleted list or 2 to 3 sentences about each item is typically enough for reviewing at the next meeting.
List appendix information and financial data. The last section of the AGM minutes need to list appendices referenced earlier in the minutes, and end with a summary of financial data as provided by the treasurer.
The AGM is typically held every year to inform members of the previous year's activities, and elect officials and public officers for the oncoming year. Copies of the AGM Minutes can be distributed to all attendees shortly after the meeting. The secretary may need to provide a copy of the AGM minutes at the next meeting for review.