Standards and protocols are the guidelines of operation in production, communication or service delivery in a business setting. In a world where the ability to interact quickly and efficiently is considered the cornerstone of any business, these guidelines can provide tremendous benefits to your business or organization.

Importance of Standards and Protocol in Productivity

Standards and protocols can greatly improve the productivity of your organization. When expectations are established for quantity, formatting and submission of work, employees are better able to deliver the needed results in a shorter amount of time. This, in turn, can increase the amount of work produced, thus increasing your productivity. The more productive your company is, the more income it has the ability to produce.

Importance of Standards in Business Quality

Having an established set of standards and protocols can increase the quality of the services rendered or products created. Standards and protocols allow for managers and supervisors to outline the correct way to accomplish something. If these standards and protocols are used on a consistent basis, this ensures that your clients are getting the best results possible. This can breed higher customer satisfaction rates, increased patronage and extensive customer loyalty, all of which contribute to the bottom line of the company.

Importance of Standards and Protocol in Emergency Response

Though no one likes to think about it, there is always the possibility of a crisis taking place. Whether the crisis takes the shape of a tornado or a public relations scandal, it is important to have a system in place to adequately respond to the problem. Standards and protocol can allow a company to take the right steps in an emergency. Without this outlined set of steps, fear, frustration and confusion can breed an atmosphere of chaos, potentially extending the range of damage.

Importance of Standards in Management Fairness

As much as we may all try to be as objective as possible when making judgment calls on a daily basis, it is human nature to be subjective. Standards and protocols to be followed in times of decision making can help to mitigate the impact of subjective judgment. For example, in determining whether or not an individual should be fired, a company with clearly outlined terminable offenses has a protocol to follow, whereas a company without one may inadvertently execute preferential treatment of different employees. Standards and protocols ensure fair application of judgment and rules, which helps protect companies from potential lawsuits.

Importance of Standards in Business Training Speed

Learning a new job can be an incredibly difficult task, but having standards and protocols to follow on the job can help expedite the learning process. These guidelines establish clear, understandable methods of executing tasks, which allows new employees to quickly learn the necessary information. Without information organized in this manner, individuals training new employees may accidentally forget to cover a piece of vital information, costing a company money down the road. Moreover, the faster employees can learn to do their job effectively, the sooner they can start contributing to overall productivity, once again, increasing a company's potential for profits.