How Do I Open an Eldon Office Stapler?

By Kallie Johnson

Updated September 26, 2017

An Eldon 1500 is a stapler that is manufactured for home and office use. It is available in a red, burgundy or black color. It is a full-strip stapler, meaning it holds a full strip of 210 regular-sized staples. It needs to be opened to refill the staples or clear any stuck or jammed staples.

Grasp the silver staple holder between your thumb and pointer finger. It is the rectangular piece visible from the front of the stapler.

Lift up on the top of the stapler to separate the top from the staple holder.

Refill the holder with one strip of staples or remove the staples and clear any jam.

Close the top by pressing it downward. You may hear a snap when it is locked into place.
