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What Are the Duties of a Networker?

Marketing networkers function as a bridge between a company and its present or potential audience. Networkers work in the front line trying to establish good first impressions and lasting connections to ensure company success. A networker’s main job is to be the public image for the company, representing the company in various online and offline channels and regularly interacting with people.

Brand Awareness

One of the main goals of networking is to create brand awareness for a company. Networking is a platform for a brand to meet its potential customers. When people get to know a company’s offering and culture, they can make an initial judgment about the company. It is the networker’s job to ensure this judgment is positive. One common method of accomplishing this is through creating a video that conveys a company overview complete with the product or service, employees and company goals.

Community Management

A networker typically has to regularly update the company’s customers on social media sites, posting news, replying to inquiries or conducting promotions and contests. Companies are increasingly participating on these sites to foster community management because this gives customers the impression the company is very accessible – a fundamental quality of excellent customer service.

Lead Generation

Networkers are often tasked to participate in lead generation. This is a business tactic to actively seek out new customers, suppliers and partners. For example, a start-up online fitness company would use a lead generation tactic to reach out to fitness trainers, gyms and other field experts to gain advice and create business partnerships. Additionally, social media has allowed networkers to find experts online and gauge their level of authority through the quality of the content and activities they have on their social media channels.

Communication Portal

Networkers are typically tasked to handle internal and external communications. This is a vital role for networkers because they are often the direct agent regularly talking with customers. Networkers have access to critical feedback from their customers and should condense and relay this feedback to management. Conversely, the networker has to translate management decisions such as promotions and product updates into a language that customers will understand. This requires networkers to engage in copywriting with effectiveness and extreme care.

  • "Successful Networking"; Frances Kay; 2010
  • "The Manny Ways of Successful Networking"; Manny Nowak; 2007
  • "The Manager's Desk Reference"; Cynthia Berryman-Fink; 1996
  • "10 Steps to Successful Social Networking for Business"; Darin Hartley; 2010

Raleigh Kung has been a social-media specialist and copywriter since 2010. He has worked with various companies on their online marketing campaigns and keeps a blog about social-media platforms. Now, he mainly writes about online media and education for various websites. Kung holds a master's degree in management and entrepreneurship from the University of San Francisco.