Students in college sometimes have to withdraw from college. The reasons for withdrawals range from the simple to the complex. But numerous, prestigious universities are allowing withdrawals via their own set of procedures. Before leaving college temporarily or permanently, collect documentation of why you’re leaving. Almost every university is requiring evidence of your hardships.

Medical Reasons

Georgia State University says that, on average, 70 percent of college hardship withdrawals are due to medical issues. Prove your medical problems by submitting a letter from your doctor regarding your medical condition. Request your doctor date the letter about your medical care. Also ask them to list why your illness is preventing you from completing college. Verify the letter with a phone number to your doctor. Idaho State University is requiring you write a complete narrative summary about your medical issue on their withdrawal application.

Personal Reasons

Family emergencies fall under what most colleges say are personal withdrawals. This generally includes deaths in the family or family who are critically ill. Prove that it’s a hardship for you by submitting proper, notarized forms. Many colleges are requesting government forms as proof of family death or illness. Examples include state death certificates or a medical business form from a hospital.

Financial Reasons

A financial withdrawal usually means the loss of your supporting job or your head of household is facing financial issues. Changes in your job (e.g. moving to another state or reducing hours) is another acceptable reason. Submit documentation, as usual, proving your financial hardship. Examples include documents from an employer explaining your job changes or unemployment forms proving job loss.

Active Military Duty

At the University of Washington, a call to active military duty is an acceptable withdrawal reason. Never enlist in the military voluntarily. The university is not accepting such a withdrawal reason. Send in a copy of your military orders with the withdrawal application. If you withdraw before the seventh week of the university’s quarter, they are providing a full refund of all your tuition fees. As of 2011, they also are waiving re-application fees for returning students from military leave.

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